Streams of Grace

Freedom through Christ

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Eph 6:12

Subtle Energy Healing

Streams of Grace was born to fill a healing need for myself and family.

Over thirteen years ago, I had debilitating pain that no medical doctor could resolve.  I received many diagnoses including fibromyalgia and chronic myofascial pain syndrome.   There was no cure only pain management.  Multiple medications were prescribed but the treatments did not alleviate the pain.   Out of desperation, I began seeking alternative healing  treatments, from Acupuncture to Spiritual Healing Services and everything in between.   

Each treatment provided some temporary relief but the underlying pain continued.  It wasn’t until I studied Cyndi Dale’s Subtle Energy Techniques that I began to understood the connection between the acceptance of Divine Love and  energy.    I want to share this experience with others. I believe all healing comes from the acceptance of Divine Love.  I affirm that in my clients. The healing is not by me but through me.

I look at the whole person- body, sprit and soul- to discern what areas need healing. I can repair energy fields and chakras as well as diagnose soul wounds.  I can diagnose and clear generational patterns that affect energy.    I am able to sense spiritual beings and remove negative interference.   My gifts have been used to eliminate demonic influences, clear negative energy from businesses and homes and create harmony in the body and soul. 

I want to share this knowledge with you.

I want you to have the same freedom!


with  Love,



What is Subtle Energy Medicine?

Energy Medicine is the process of identifying and changing negative energy patterns that occur in and around the body.

It includes chakras, auric fields, generational patterning, soul fragmentation and spiritual disruptions.

Energy medicine has healed people from many ailments including migraines, tumors, cancer, clots, sport, and other physical injuries, addictions, depression, anxiety, allergies, behavioral problems, sensory processing disorder, ADHD, and released people from spiritual warfare.

Work with me

My Method

I begin every new client session with a one hour energy assessment. I examine the energetic body for unhealthy patterns and blocks in all aspects of the energy fields. I  help clear those blocks and reintegrate healthy patterns.

My Sessions

All consultations are done through video conferencing. After the assessment is completed, we can work through specific issues that need to be addressed. Follow up sessions are available starting with 30-minute sessions.

My Clients

I work with children in utero to the elderly, stay at home moms,  professional and Olympic Athletes. I work with individuals, families, and teams to create cohesive healthy relationships and energy patterns. I work with pets, sport teams, places of business and homes.

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The Ancestors Within (Book 2.)

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Jill Sonnek is one of those rare persons whose mind and soul are destined for healing. Her intuition is always spot-on, as is her ability to recommend meaningful and practical applications. Her laser-like focus will pinpoint exactly what you need to know, even as she helps bring through the specific energies or messages necessary to not only change, but transform. With a heart as vast as the sky, she can accompany you on any healing journey you need to take, sprinkling your path with wit, wisdom, and wonder.

Cyndi Dale,

Award Winning Author and Healer

As a healer, I trust Jill’s ethics, her capacity to resource in Spirit, her approach to healing, and her natural intuitive abilities and power through grace to not only learn about what wants healing and loving attention, but to transform that into healing results that stick. 

If you’re looking for a grounded, honest, trusted, healer attuned to the Divine and living that path as well in her own life, I wholeheartedly recommend Jill as your guide and loving practitioner. 

Cheryl McCallister B.A., CATP, CHTP
Intuitive Consultant  


Jill Sonnek is a person with gifts of great intelligence, intuition, insight, and the ability to spiritually see what others often miss.  She gives credit to God for these giftings. Due to her ability to perceive on so many levels, my spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health have been significantly impacted for the better.

It seems that Jill is always “awake” to what is going on around her, on every level. Jill is also a lifelong learner and she brings an awareness of how much more there is to learn to the wisdom she already has.  This is what keeps her humbly present with each person she meets.

Tammy Feigal, Heartlife Integrations, LLC

Recently I experienced a high degree of sensitivity to environmental energy and experienced an increase in spiritual energy frequency. When the subtle energy flow is blocked, these shifts can lead to a number of different, often not pleasant symptoms.
Jill has done a tremendous job in helping repair, open and align my chakras. While she was working with me I felt stuck energy flowing. Jill is a very intuitive healer and thus is easily guided to understand what problems need to be addressed. Her work was gentle and highly effective. The results of the work did last and helped me to get grounded and to cope with the higher frequency energy. Way to go, Jill.

Arne Heissel, PhD – Consultant and Energy Healer

 I have had the pleasure of working with Jill on some pretty intense family and personal issues.   Her ability to connect from afar and help my energy move and shift is astounding and very quick. She is very well versed with the Lord’s word and has a very accurate sense and knowing of specific healing needed in that moment.  Her knowledge of the body and its centers and how they work are very sharp and accurate.  It has been a blessing to work with Jill.

Christina M.  

Jill worked with our son who has sensory processing disorder. He was hypersensitive to noise, energy and physical touch. He did not want anyone to touch him. Jill noticed that our son’s auric fields were out of order. Through prayer and intention, she returned his fields to their correct order. We noticed a difference immediately. After praying over him, he came up to his mom and sat in her lap.

Steve S.

Jill is such an incredibly gifted healer! Her ability to clearly define what is going on in my world is truly amazing. She has helped me understand why I have had confusion, stress and injuries. Jill has also enabled me to discern why my bipolar son is suffering at different times in his life due to her intuitiveness. I highly recommend Jill as her talent and compassion will give you clarity and bring peace into your life!

Susan G.

Jill has helped clear my energy fields while praying over me. She has amazing insight and senses. I had done healing touch therapy before and went quite often. With Jill, I only had a couple of sessions that cleared my chakras and felt much better. The best thing is that Jill does everything in God’s name. She can sense things that I’d forgotten and prays over them.

Sharon O.

Jill has amazing gifts of wisdom and discernment. She has the gift of healing and the ability to break strongholds. She has a true passion to help others.

Deb W.

Recently, I had a case of diverticulitis. Jill cleared my chakras and prayed for me. Even though I was sick, my healing time came about much more quickly. Instead of being really sick for two weeks, I only had three days that I felt really ill. I started to feel much better very quickly. This has never happened before. I am amazed.

Sharon C.

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Jill Sonnek | Streams of Grace